Why we do what we do

What makes an organisation stand out from its competitors? It’s a philosophical as well as commercial question that all businesses contemplate – especially before they embark on a significant marketing campaign.

The Northcroft difference begins with our WHY

At Northcroft, we believe it’s important to consistently evaluate our unique point of difference as it is the foundation of everything we do and influences our interactions with clients and suppliers. For us, it’s about integrity and honesty and it begins by asking the question:

“Why do we do what we do?”

A typical company (or brand) communicates from a product or service perspective. In other words, they describe themselves by explaining WHAT they do or perhaps HOW they do something.

But understanding the WHY underscores an organisation’s value proposition and the reason behind every company decision – from core products and services to the way they treat their staff, clients and suppliers. Therefore, the WHY must be clear and central to everything the organisation (and its people) does.


Simon Sinek talks about a Golden Circle where the WHAT forms the outer ring. It is from this perspective that most organisations communicate with their clients. But when you do this, it is more of a rational/operational approach which does not assist with building trust, respect and deep, long-lasting relationships.

Sinek explains that when organisations communicate from the core of the Golden Circle, their focus becomes their WHY – why they do what they do. In turn, this inspires trust and confidence from clients and suppliers while instilling an honourable, client-centric approach from all staff.

When using WHY as the starting point, the HOW follows. The HOW is the totality of the systems and processes within the business which helps it demonstrate its WHY with consistent outcomes for clients.

Authenticity occurs when all facets of the Golden Circle are in harmony; where the organisation as a whole and the individuals working in it, act in accordance with the company’s heartfelt beliefs.

The Northcroft Promise

At Northcroft, we value:

  • Efficiency and commitment
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Loyalty and transparency

We share these values with our staff, clients and suppliers because great project outcomes come from collaborating and working as a team.

Some project management consultants may communicate what they do by boasting about their achievements. We emphasise the trust you can place in our expertise and give you our heartfelt desire to deliver successful project outcomes for you.

If these values resonate with you, please get in touch to discuss your next project. Northcroft provides independent and objective advice throughout the construction process – from project planning and inception through to completion and handover.

Photo courtesy of Mimi Thian