The Association of Quantity Surveyors Thailand (AQST)

Northcroft have been an active member of the Thai quantity surveying community since 1994. Throughout the years, we have taken every opportunity and joined every effort in raising local awareness of the contribution and the importance of the quantity surveying profession to Thailand’s construction sector.


Northcroft have played a major role in raising the awareness of what was once an unknown profession in Thailand in the 1990s, making the quantity surveyor an essential and valued team member for most private sector projects in Thailand nowadays.

Northcroft is proud to be associated with the founding of the Association of Quantity Surveyors of Thailand (AQST), which is the only professional Quantity Surveying organization registered in Thailand that promotes the Quantity Surveying profession in Thailand.

The objectives of AQST in its constitution include the advancement and unity of quantity surveyors by education and research, continuing professional development and to secure uniformity in education standards and methodology by quantity surveyors in Thailand.

Members of the AQST include persons who are also members of internationally recognized QS professional bodies such as RICS, AIQS, HKIS, SISV, RISM, etc. based in Thailand.

The AQST offers corporate memberships to other corporate members of internationally recognized QS professional bodies and to QS-trained engineers with at least 5 years of relevant QS work experience in Thailand, subject to passing an Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) interview and a Code of Conduct paper. Other membership grades include Affiliate, Graduate and Student memberships, again subject to their specific qualification requirements.

The AQST inaugural event was held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Bangkok on 23 May 2024.

The AQST inaugural event was hosted jointly by the AQST and the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS). It was split into two sessions, an afternoon CPD session and a member engagement dinner.

The aim of the inaugural event was to allow professionals, researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas, fostering a collaborative spirit that will contribute to the sustainable transformation of our urban landscapes.

The CPD session examined the key challenges and opportunities that the One Bangkok development experienced at the nexus of smart and sustainable urban development. It covered the topic of embodied carbon reduction from a Quantity Surveyor perspective, and the opportunity of employing 5D BIM digital solutions to solve construction digitalisation challenges, forging a path towards a more sustainable and resilient urban future.

The CPD event was concluded with a panel discussion from esteemed construction experts from Thailand and abroad to discuss the current construction and quantity surveying trends mentioned above.

The member engagement dinner event was also held in conjunction with the AIQS and was attended by the AIQS National President, Mr Andrew Brady and CEO, Mr Grant Warner.

The inaugural event was a resounding success for promoting the AQST, with over a hundred attendees ranging from long time professionals in the industry to students who are interested in joining the quantity surveying profession.

Northcroft was a proud sponsor of the AQST’s inaugural event and a supporter of the AQST.